Like many people, we’ve got mixed feelings about COP 26 – apprehension, hope and excitement mixed with anticipation that the outcome of the conference is positive.
What we do know is that the conference is bringing climate issues to the centre stage for the next few weeks – which has to be a good thing – and we’re happy to contribute to this.
So – with the most significant climate conference to date starting right on our doorstep at the end of the week, here’s what we’re up to!
Scotland’s Fair Fashion
On 4th November we’ll be at Scotland’s Fair Fashion – a showcase of Sustainable and Ethical Fashion from Scotland, hosted by Apparel Xchange. The event brings together a display of ventures that provide diverse solutions to fashion’s environmental and social impacts – textile and garment makers, educators, knowledge collectives, organisations, social enterprises, and more.
It’s all open to the public – we’d love to see you there!
Thursday 4th November. 4pm – 9pm Stereo, Glasgow

Youth Climate Protest – Friday 5th November
Our ReMotivators group of young activists want to shout loud about how they feel about climate change. They’ve been working on banner over the last few weeks and will be marching proudly with Greta Thunberg and the expected 8000 other young people from around the world on Friday 5th November as part of the Youth Climate Protest.
The march starts from Kelvingrove Park at 11.30am. Join us there if you can!
We’ll also be present the following day to join the 50,000 people expected for the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice calling for just and fair solutions to the climate crisis. Assemble Kelvingrove park at 11.30am.

We’re delighted to have been joined by artist Jennie Bates as part of the Paisley COP 26 windows trail . Jennie has worked with our volunteers on a window exhibition which features their ideas about COP26. The window will be going live on 5th November. Pop by and take a look! |

Mending to save the planet!
Climate change issues can seem overwhelming, but the reality is there is a lot we can each do as individuals to make small but significant changes. In order to combat climate change we need to revisit how we value the earth’s resources and learn to love new ways of doing things. The changes we’re all going to have to make in the future can be positive, creative and enjoyable. Just one of these things is learning to extend the life of garments. Mending and altering clothing rather than throwing it away has a significant impact on the carbon footprint of what we wear. Want to know more? Come along to our Meddle & Mend session on Monday 8th November. Our expert facilitator can show you simple techniques to mend and change your clothes. No experience necessary – just bring along a garment you’d like to work on. Booking essential. |

Clout #4 COP 26 Edition
The 4th Edition of our Zine Clout will be published in early November. With a focus on the climate conference this issue will feature articles on the do’s and don’ts of second hand shopping, reflections on food choices in the context of COP 26, and an article by our guest facilitator KengKeng Watt on the art of cross-stitch for action. Kengkeng has been working with our ReCycle or Dye groups to share skills in the use of craft as a tool for radical communication.. The zine will be published on our website with a limited print run of paper copies as well. Watch social media for details! |