Everyone is faced with extraordinary and exceptional challenges in relation to the fast moving and ever changing situation with the coronavirus outbreak.
We took the decision on Monday 16th March to cancel or postpone all events and workshops and quickly followed that the next day with a decision to close our shops in both Paisley and Lochwinnoch.
It very quickly became clear that an initial contingency plan to stage and film ReMode:2020 Vision behind closed doors was not a viable option, but we look forward to reconvening with the great team we had working on the event at some point in the future when we are beyond this crisis.
In the meantime, we’ve been turning our creative brains to the issues of how and where we can redirect our energies and resources in a positive and constructive way.
We’re aware that over the next few weeks and months many people will struggle with boredom and social isolation when having to confine themselves to home.
So while we are obviously very sad to have to cancel our events and workshops, we’re feeling positive about the germinating plans we’re working on to take our sewing and learning online.
Keep your eyes peeled for fun, interactive and motivating videos and online workshops, and Zoom sessions heading your way soon…
So dust off your sewing kit because there’s no time like the present to tackle that pile of mending, finally make that dress fit or upcycle those jeans!