ReMode Renfrewshire carries activities which benefit the community, to operate a shop of re-designed and reclaimed clothing and to provide a programme of educational activities to increase awareness and understanding of the environmental impact of textiles.
We are constantly committed to reducing the environmental impact of the work we do. We are open to adaption when better, more sustainable options become available in all fields of work.
We achieve our aims through the following practices:
In principal there is an aim to acquire or purchase secondhand materials and goods wherever possible. When not feasible the aim is to purchase locally and avoid travel miles.
Consistent efforts are made to keep all waste to a minimum, and when waste is produced, educated decisions on how to dispose of the waste is made to make the best possible decisions.
Energy Usage
We are consistently energy conscious and make efforts to minimise energy usage within our workspaces.
Cleaning & Maintenance
We ensure that the cleaning products that we use are eco-friendly and reusable. We maintain equipment with the aim of making it last.
At both employee and board level, travel will be minimised where possible and public transport is used where possible.
Education & Behaviours
Training is ensured for all volunteers and staff involved in ReMode to educate and guarantee consistent environmentally conscious behaviour.
ReMode is a highly conscious, sustainable entity with the ideas of community improvement and renewable fashion at our core. With aim to ensure ReMode continually limits our impact on the environment.