We had a busy month at ReMode as spring approaches, so we thought we’d pull it all together in case you missed any of. We’re hoping to do a similar thing each month where we look back at the month and successes from it.

We’ve just wrapped up our latest Zine Production Workshops facilitated by Rachel and guests, and the compilation of the newest edition is underway! We’re really excited to see the final outcome but in the meantime, here’s some shots of what our participants have been up to during the past few weeks.

Drawing of one of the handmade plushies
Young people drawing the handmade plushies
3d scan of one of the handmade critter plushies

Paige has been busy running introductory to sewing sessions at local schools, for groups such as Pachedu and with our volunteer team. All of which have been a great success!

Attendees at one of our sewing taster sessions with Pachedu

Some of our volunteers have also been busy making products for our shop and helping us get through our never ending mending rail! We’re hoping to make a good dent in this over the coming months and continue to sew a new lease of life in to pre loved clothes!

Wendy making some final adjustments to her scrap collage t-shirts
A finished scrap collage t-shirt by Mari

And some things coming up in March!

Do you live in the Gallowhill area? If so, we’ve got sewing craft workshops for 8-16 years olds. During the 6 week block of workshops, participants will learn some basic sewing techniques and make some fun crafts along the way. Sessions will run on Fridays 3.30-5pm and 5.30-7pm from 3rd March – 7th April. Places are free but places are limited. Book here to secure your place.

Our March Meddle & Mend, taking place on Tuesday 14th March, 7-9pm, is currently the last session booked in whilst we wait to hear back about our funding. There’s very limited places left for this one so book now if you’d like to come along.