We’re delighted to launch our new range of sew-at-home Make Packs, which include everything needed to make your own upcycled garments and accessories at home, including a handpicked selection of second hand fabrics, a printed pattern and a link to an instructional video.

The packs have developed from an idea that started during lockdown, when we could not run our usual classes, and sent out parcels of fabrics and instructions in the post instead.
We realised that this was an idea we could continue to work with even after the lockdown was over. So many people discovered (or rediscovered) the joys of making things in the last 18 months, and we can offer a sustainable way to do this. Making your own clothes from reclaimed fabrics is a just one simple, fun and creative step we can all take to reduce our impact on the planet. And the result is a beautiful unique hand made item!.
Now a classic example of the circular economy in practice, the Make Packs are not just about the one-off reuse of valuable material resources – it is much more about a shift in thinking.
Making something yourself, or receiving something handmade, is the absolute alternative to the throw away wear-it-once culture that has grown up in fashion. In order to combat climate change we need to revisit how we value the earth’s resources and learn to love new ways of doing things – it’s all about investing in items that are made in a sustainable way and that will last well.
The packs include projects for beginners up to experienced people – so whatever your sewing skills, there’s nothing to stop you joining in!

The development of the Make Packs has been made possible by support from the Adapt & Thrive fund.