This film for Sma’Shot Day was made by ReMode during lockdown May & June 2020, working remotely with young people in Paisley.

Mimicking the mechanical stop-start motion of the sewing machine, Stop/Start explores the current situation for the clothing industries and the very real opportunity that the COVID -19 situation presents us with to stop, think and start again to create a ethically and economically fairer and environmentally-balanced fashion industry.

The original music and rap has been developed by emerging local musicians Jamie Welsh and Joseph Cameron in collaboration with performers Mohammed Junaid, Harris Provan and Joshua Donnelly.

The animations are by Jo McCartney, Lauren Selbie, May Sengupta, Marianna Medina, Lucie Roy, Ella Dickie and Hope Roberston.

The film was exhibited in the window of ReMode’s shop on Paisley High Street, and the ReMode Make Space in Lochwinnoch for Sma’ Shot Day July 4th 2020.