08/03/2021 10:00 am - 4:30 pm Zoom
First in a series of events by Fashion & Sustainability Pioneer and Activist Kate Fletcher.
This creative and illuminating event is for anyone who cares about sustainability and wants to think more about where their clothes have come from. It’s an exploratory, practical session that will introduce you to a whole new way of looking at your clothes.
Throughout the day we will map, archive and investigate and end the day with a changed perspective on our wardrobes.
Materials needed:
Contents of your wardrobe!
Pens, paper, glue sticks, newspapers and old magazines
Space to work
The day will be conducted via zoom, with a mix of presentation and group discussion coupled with independent at-home participatory activities.
10 – 11am
- Welcome, overview and introductions by Gillian Steel
- Presentation by Kate Fletcher, followed by a brief for the day’s activities.
11am – 12.30pm
- Practical session : planning and gathering of materials and garments.
- Check in with Kate – sharing of ideas and plans
1.30 – 3.30pm
- Practical session – theoretical map making – independent work
3.30 – 4.30pm
- Review of outcomes