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14/02/2022 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Callum's Cavern, Old Sneddon Street

*VENUE UPDATE* Callum’s Cavern, 66 Old Sneddon Street, Paisley, same day, same time. CC’s is an upstairs venue – contact directly via Facebook for access queries.⁠

Big Clothes Swap & Open Mic Night!

Bring along up to 6 clean, good quality, unwanted garments, exchange them for tokens and then use the tokens to “buy” preloved clothes.

Swapping rather than buying new clothes is a fun and simple way to reduce the carbon footprint of the clothes you wear.  You can update your wardrobe at no cost to you, and no cost to the planet!

Get in touch if you’d like to take part in the open mic! We’d love to hear from musicians, poets and other performers.

This event is organised by ReMode’s Remotivators group of young climate activists as part of The Change Room programme.