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28/03/2020 6:15 pm - 9:30 pm POP space, Piazza Shopping Centre, Paisley

Celebrating Sustainable Fashion

An event and exhibition to showcase garments made by ReMode participants and volunteers

20/20 Vision explores the machines and systems we rely on for our clothing and our roles as consumers and wearers. Amidst the sounds of birds and planes, the busy sewing machines, the rhythm of the clothing factory, chatter and packing of boxes in so called ‘fulfilment’ centres, we need to start asking ourselves – ‘What if things were done differently?’ and ‘What if something amazing came out of climate breakdown and the changes we face?’  All we want is 20/20 vision a total picture with zero emissions.

Event: Saturday 28th March 6.15pm

POP SPACE, Piazza Shopping Centre, Paisley

Promenade performance, exhibition launch, zine workshop & clothing sale.

Tickets £5 (£2.50 unwaged/ low waged)

Booking essential – strictly no entry after 6.30pm

 Exhibition Continues: Monday 30th March – Friday 3rd April 12 noon – 4pm each day. FREE