An exhibition to celebrate ReMode and Fashion Revolution Week.
Join us as we convert our shop into a temporary exhibition space!
Open 10am – 4pm Wednesday 27th – Saturday 30th April.
Our team of young participants and volunteers have been closely involved in learning and sharing the labours involved in making clothes: printing onto discards rather than buying new fabrics, designing our own shapes, constructing and embellishing with hand stitched embroideries. We’re also delighted to be able to showcase the work of some guest designers who have worked with us.
Alongside this through the making of short films and soundtracks we have been reflecting on revolution from a variety of personal as well as universal perspectives.
ReVolution ReMode is part of international Fashion Revolution Week – which takes place annually on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in 2013. Established as a time of remembrance of the more than 1100 peopleĀ mostly young women – who lost their lives manufacturing clothes for some of the world’s biggest fashion brands. It is also a time for community activism amongst designers, makers and – of most significance – amongst wearers of clothing.