As part of Volunteers Week we published a series of Facebook interviews to showcase some of our wonderful volunteers and give an insight into their personal creative practice.
We felt this one – an interview with Kite, a fairly new recruit – was especially heartfelt and moving so we’re going to publish it in full.
We hope you enjoy and are as inspired by it as we have been!

ReMode- When did you first hear about ReMode?
Kite- I first stumbled upon ReMode by seeing an advert for volunteers on Creative Scotland. As working with costumes is something I’m interested in, I was very eager and enthusiastic to jump at the opportunity, I thought it would be great experience in order to improve my sewing skills and knowledge, and also my CV. It certainly has been, and has also allowed me to meet and spend time with some really lovely, kind and knowledgeable people.
ReMode- How did you become interested in ethical fashion/the environment?
Kite- Recycling is something I grew up doing, so it was always second nature to me. In my teens, I became more aware of pollution, deforestation and other environmental factors, and started consciously making better choices, like walking or taking public transport over cars, and shopping mostly from charity shops. Upcycling is something I’ve only started very recently, as I didn’t have enough faith in my sewing ability to make standard clothes until now.
ReMode- Do you have a favourite ReMode memory?
Kite- I think my favourite ReMode memory would be my very first day there. I had no idea what to expect, and hadn’t really interacted with people for months, so I was fairly nervous. However, the people I met there were so kind, warm and welcoming, they didn’t bat an eyelash at what I perceived to be silly questions, and I even managed to find a scrap of fabric that was perfect for a project I’d been putting off at home. It was a bright and encouraging atmosphere, and I walked home that day with a spring in my step and more motivation than I’d had in months.

ReMode- Have you got any words of encouragement for someone thinking of becoming a volunteer?
Kite- When I considered volunteering at ReMode, I did it with the knowledge that I, being self-taught, would learn a lot from those that knew what they were doing – and I certainly did. What genuinely surprised me though, is how they valued my own input as well, and would ask me questions about what I thought the best way to approach a task would be, and would even use the approach I suggested. It’s a very inclusive atmosphere, where anyone would feel welcome and appreciated.
ReMode- What (if any) is your sewing background?
Kite- My sewing background is in cosplay – after “making” (read: throwing together) my first cosplay in 2015, I’ve never looked back. It’s been a blessing for my mental health (though the many occasions of crying over my sewing machine may say otherwise), and to see a full costume that I’ve made come together, often with bizarre features that require inventive solutions, is such a rewarding experience.

ReMode- What do you do outside of ReMode?
Kite- Nothing of note really, lol. I work at a supermarket, and when I’m not doing that I’ll be working on something related to a cosplay, walking the dogs or practicing art.
ReMode- Anything else you’d like to add?
Kite- Thank you!
Pictured is a selection of Kite’s costume work including- Nikolas from Legend of Rune (top), Noé Archiviste from Vanitas no Carte (middle) and Jiang Yanli from Mo Dao Zu Shi (bottom) alongside the original artworks.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to Kite for their kind words and for sharing such a personal and uplifting story. Our team of volunteers really are the backbone of all that we do and it’s encouraging and motivating to hear that we are somewhat on the right track!
Get involved!
We’re always looking to add to our team of volunteers, if you’re interested email carolyn@remodeyouth.org